In Tune Mixtape Fan Club

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Gershwin, Couperin, Cornysh

Episode b0b3bz20, broadcast at Monday 21st May 2018, 7:00pm.

“Tonight's mixtape is a blend of big orchestral, intimate keyboard and sacred choral music. Starting with the piano beginner's favourite - Beethoven's Für Elise - and a movement of the Schumann string quartet. a sequence of segued orchestral music follows, juxtaposing Stravinsky's visceral Rite of Spring with Gershwin's jazzy Rhapsody in Blue, straight into a Mozart symphonic overture. Then down to the intimate with - arguably - Couperin's most famous keyboard work, an Ave Maria from 15th century composer William Cornysh and ending with Debussy's Pagodes as orchestrated by Percy Grainger.”
BBC Programmes page

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