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Scary Forests

Episode b0b6zgxv, broadcast at Thursday 21st June 2018, 7:00pm.

“As Radio 3 goes Into the Forest, the In Tune Mixtape evokes the spirit of the forest with 30 minutes of specially curated music interspersed with natural sounds of the forest. You can easily get lost in the woods, and this sequence explores scary atmospheres and unexpected encounters, beginning cheerfully enough with that legendary thief of Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood evoked by Korngold; then a Prince encounters a Baker's Wife, warning her that "anything can happen in the woods..." (from Sondheim's Into The Woods) - so we go deeper into the scary forest, with spooky atmospheres evoked by Weber's Freischutz and Auric's Beauty And The Beast, as well as a dark song by Robert Wyatt - and when we finally come to the Teddy Bears' Picnic, we may agree that if you go down to the woods, "you'd better not go alone".”
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