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New Beginnings

Episode m0000bpc, broadcast at Tuesday 24th November 2020, 7:00pm, and Thursday 13th September 2018, 7:00pm.

“From Edgar Bainton’s And I Saw a New Heaven to Grieg’s depiction of spring and Evelyn Glennie’s journey Crossing the Bridge,, the music is inspired by all aspects of starting anew. There is optimism at the start of Ravel’s new day and sadness in the newly wedded life of Gilbert and Sullivan’s heroine Elsie in Yeomen of the Guard. The journey begins at the bottom of the Rhine, the very start of Wagner's Ring Cycle, rising up from its watery source through the lower registers of the orchestra, and ends with Anna Jane Casey, washing that man out of her hair and starting afresh, in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific. Producer: Helen Garrison”
BBC Programmes page

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