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Beethoven, Prokofiev, Part

Episode m0000v0c, broadcast at Monday 22nd October 2018, 7:00pm.

“Beethoven's mischievous symphonic homage to the invention of the metronome, the motoric Dance of the Five Couples from Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet, plus Arvo Part's "strict and enigmatic" Summa in tonight's specially curated playlist. Then there's both rythmos and melos in the finale from Debussy's Sonata en trio for flute, harp and viola, the "running of a sewing machine" in a Prelude by J S Bach, and dextrous verbal play in La Danse du Bonheur by fusion supergroup Shakti. And to begin, a touching little vintage recording of a French Chanson, the one that opened composer Toru Takemitsu’s ears to Western classical music: Lenoir's Parlez-Moi d'Amour, sung by Lucienne Boyer.”
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