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Bartok, Nils Frahm, Handel

Episode m0000z01, broadcast at Monday 1st February 2021, 7:00pm, and Friday 2nd November 2018, 7:00pm.

“The "Hungarian sneezes" of Bartok's spicy First Rhapsody warm your cockles this evening, along with the intimate comfort blanket of Nils Frahm's Merry and Handel's spritely ode to love, Tornami a vagheggiar. Then there's Byrd's bold, echoing six-voice motet Attolite Portas ("open up your doors"), the chiming gamelan of Javanese court music, and a jaunty Marche des Combattants - Lully's celebration of King Louis XIV's victory against Franche-Comté. And there's time for a playful salon-oriented scherzo from Borodin's Second Quartet - a piece given an unexpected new life with the lyrics ‘Baubles, bangles and beads’ in the musical Kismet.”
BBC Programmes page

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