In Tune Mixtape Fan Club

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A boy, a bird, a duck, a cat and a nightingale

Episode m0001h85, broadcast at Monday 10th December 2018, 7:00pm.

“A special mix inspired by Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf - a key work in Radio 3's Our Classical Century programming. There's a cute arrangement of La Lusignuola (the Nightingale) by Tarquinio Merula, Rebecca Clarke's lilting Lullaby, and more night music with John Field's Nocturne in E Le Midi. Then bookending a Canzona by Buxthehude and the ethereal From Eternity Music from Prokofiev's own teacher Taneyev, a can't-help-but-smile piece from the Batak community of North Sumatra and Clyde Valley Stompers irreverent version of Peter.”
BBC Programmes page

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