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Largo to Presto

Episode m000573l, broadcast at Wednesday 22nd May 2019, 7:00pm.

“An unpresented sequence of music, starting slowly and gradually gathering speed. The mix begins with Nico Muhly's dreamy "Slow Canons", then finds a slightly faster pulse with an andante movement from Vaughan Williams, before moving on to a waltz marked "moderato" from Tchaikovsky. The pace picks up with the allegretto first movement of Shostakovich's Cello Concerto no. 1, followed by the (relatively) "fast" final movement of Steve Reich's "Mallet Quartet". Then up a gear with Dinicu's lively "Hora Staccato" , to the final flourish - Debussy's virtuosic "Toccata" for piano.”
BBC Programmes page

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