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Nonsense Madrigals in Wonderland

Episode m0006ssg, broadcast at Monday 15th July 2019, 7:00pm.

“Ligeti's Nonsense Madrigals are the source of inspiration for this mixtape. Several of the movements in Ligeti's collection take texts from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, and this theme continues with the Queen of Hearts' Tango from Joby Talbot's ballet. Next comes a pair of madrigals - one by the madrigal king himself, Monteverdi, and more unusually, a madrigal for flute and piano by Philippe Gaubert - followed by a pair of modern-day Alices (Ott and Coote). Finally, we return to the madcap nature of Ligeti's madrigals with the absurdist humour of Gerald Barry's The Importance of being Earnest and Milhaudā€™s ballet Le boeuf sur le toit.”
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