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The Mega MoMA Mix

Episode m0009kvk, broadcast at Tuesday 22nd October 2019, 7:00pm.

“In Tune's Mega MoMA Mix continues Radio 3's celebration of the reopening of New York's Museum of Modern Art, which took place last night. The mix reflects the work of visual artists and musicians who have contributed to MoMA over the years, and we hear pieces by composers from New York's flourishing indie-classical scene. Music from two of the presenters of Radio 3's current series 'The way I see it' begins the mix, with comedian Steve Martin's banjo playing followed by Steve Reich's Nagoya Marimbas. Aaron Copland's music has featured regularly at MoMA - we hear his music for the film The Red Pony (1949) Philip Glass is also a regular at MoMA, represented here by his piano Etude no. 1 MoMA's new Kravis Studio opens with an installation devoted to a new interpretation of David Tudor's electronic piece Rainforest, which dates from 1968 - we hear an excerpt from the original version. Andy Warhol is credited as producer of The Velvet Underground's classic debut album from 1967, when the band featured in Warhol's multimedia roadshow 'Exploding Plastic Inevitable'. We hear Lou Reed's song 'I'm waiting for the man' Missy Mazzoli's music blurs the boundaries between classical and popular styles, as in her Vespers for a New Dark Age, composed in 2015. The mix ends with Ellie Goulding's 2018 recording of Don McLean's classic song Vincent., inspired by one of the jewels of the MoMA collection, Van Gogh's The Starry Night.”
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