In Tune Mixtape Fan Club

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Classical music for your commute

Episode m000bfnh, broadcast at Thursday 29th September 2022, 7:00pm, and Tuesday 19th November 2019, 7:00pm.

“In Tune’s specially curated mixtape with a dance by Alun Hoddinott to mark the investiture of the Prince of Wales in 1969 and a choral piece by Jessica Curry composed for a video game called Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. Also in the mix are a Sicilienne for flute and harp by Faure, a concerto by Couperin and a love song by Dvorak arranged for string quartet. Weber's jaunty bassoon concerto is followed by Debussy's Tarantelle Styrienne for piano and Glinka's sparkling overture to his opera Ruslan and Ludmila.”
BBC Programmes page

Track listing

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