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The Orpheus myth

Episode m000c4m9, broadcast at Tuesday 10th December 2019, 7:00pm.

“Music inspired by the Orpheus myth. We start with the Can-Can from Offenbach's Orpheus in the Underworld. Carnival Morning by the Brazilian composer Luiz Bonfa, the theme from the film Black Orpheus leads to Johann Johannsson's Orphic Hymn from his album Orphee. We hear part of David Sylvian's Orpheus from his album Secrets of the Beehive. Next, the second movement of Beethoven's Piano Concerto no. 4, which has been seen as a description of Orpheus taming the Furies. We end with two songs, Schubert's Lied des Orpheus D474 and Gluck's Che faro senza Euridice from his opera Orfeo ed Euridice. These are separated by a Toccata from Monteverdi's Orfeo.”
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