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The eclectic classical mix

Episode m000g475, broadcast at Wednesday 3rd May 2023, 7:00pm, and Friday 13th March 2020, 7:00pm.

“In Tune’s specially curated playlist, including JS Bach's ‘Double’ Violin Concerto, the spirited Quintet by Louise Farrenc and gaming composer Koji Kondo's Legend of Zelda Suite. There's a beloved aria by Gluck which asks ‘What will I do without Euridice?’ and a pianistic Chinese Dance from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite, probably evoking a ring of bobbing mushrooms. Then the ‘Walkman-suitable’ Floe by Philip Glass takes us back to the 80s after Harry Hudson's version of ‘Rabbit pie day’ - and to close, Rudolf Barshai's dynamic arrangement Ravel's Petite Suite.”
BBC Programmes page

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