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Classical music to lift the spirits

Episode m000hnlc, broadcast at Tuesday 28th April 2020, 7:00pm.

“In Tune's specially curated playlist, with wunderkind Mozart's first symphony (written when he was just a nipper of 8 years old), Canteloube's rapturous invitation to a shepherd from his Chants d'Auvergne, and Mama teaches Sanskrit, a tender electronic piece by Four Tet. There's also a The Easy Winners, a perky rag by Scott Joplin, and Chilly Gonzales' gentle riff upon a Bach prelude. Then there's the transcendental opening to Biber's Mystery sonata, a tumultous Allegro barbaro by Bartok, and to finish, the triumphant finale from Fanny Mendelssohn's piano trio in D minor Op.11.”
BBC Programmes page

Track listing

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