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Proms Preview

Episode m000y55f, broadcast at Monday 26th July 2021, 7:00pm.

“In Tune's Classical Music Mixtape: an imaginative, eclectic mix featuring classical favourites taken from music that will be performed at this year's Proms! Among them, the overture to Bizet's Carmen; Philip Glass performing his Mad Rush on the piano; Vaughan Williams inspired by a theme by Tallis; another piece reflecting on the past: Dobrinka Tabakova Suite in old style; Pergolesi's Stabat Mater; Bach's Fantasia in G major for organ; a classic songs from the musicals 'There's nothing like showbusiness'; Stravinsky's Pulcinella, and for good measure, Strauss' Die Fledermaus overture! Producer: Juan Carlos Jaramillo”
BBC Programmes page

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