In Tune Mixtape Fan Club

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Episode m0018ymw, broadcast at Tuesday 12th July 2022, 7:00pm.

“Summer scents and making the most of life whatever it throws at you are at the heart of tonight’s mixtape. A bouquet of waltzing flowers from Tchaikovsky leads into high drama with Beethoven. Poulenc lightens the tone with the blooming sounds of the horn, trombone and trumpet which blends into music by Canadian composer and tenor, Jeremy Dutcher’s contribution to his native First World heritage and community in attempts to revitalise the Wolastoq language to the world, which has less than 100 speakers alive today. We hear a portrait of the young Juliet Capulet, and whistle while we work, energised by a fast Romanian Folk dance courtesy of Bartok.”
BBC Programmes page

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