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Classical music for International Women's Day

Episode m001jlpt, broadcast at Wednesday 8th March 2023, 7:00pm.

“Celebrate International Women's Day with a half hour, uninterrupted sequence of classical music by women composers from across the centuries. Electronic music from Delia Derbyshire sits alongside Nina Simone, and ethereal chant from the medieval mystic Hildegard of Bingen, buoyant light orchestral music from Angela Morley, and passionately written chamber music by Amy Beach. Other works include Jessica Curry's seminal score for the video game "Everybody's gone to the rapture", Lili Boulanger's powerful setting of Psalm 129, 17th and 18th century music by Barbara Strozzi and Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de La Guerre, and a playful, bluesy piano piece by Madeleine Dring, whose centenary it is this year. Producer: Helen Garrison”
BBC Programmes page

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