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Classical music for focus or relaxation

Episode m001kvsk, broadcast at Monday 17th April 2023, 7:00pm.

“From the opening chorus of JS Bach's Cantata BWV 8, to Debussy's dreamy Arabesque No. 1 for piano, to a World Music feast of plucked strings as the West African harp-like kora meets the Chinese lute-like pipa; then comes Saint-Saens' Havanaise for violin and orchestra, followed by Rebecca Clarke's sonata for viola and piano. Next, the Hilliard Ensemble performs a religious work by Palestrina, from his Book 4 of motets, before the journey closes, perhaps appropriately, with Chopin's Nocturne No. 3 Op. 15, in the hands of virtuoso pianist Maria Joao Pires. Producer: Juan Carlos Jaramillo”
BBC Programmes page

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