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The perfect classical half hour

Episode m001lzcx, broadcast at Tuesday 23rd May 2023, 7:00pm.

“Take time out with a 30-minute soundscape of classical music. This edition of the Classical Mixtape opens with de Morales's iconic Parce Mihi Domine, performed by saxophonist Jan Garbarek and the Hilliard Ensemble, before moving onto another classical reimagining: a Recomposed Bach Prelude by cellist-composer Peter Gregson. There's orchestral music from Respighi and Copland and choral harmonies from chamber ensemble Voces8 and the huge choir of Brahms's A German Requiem. The mix closes with a filmic take on Elgar's Nimrod, from the soundtrack to Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk. Producer: Christina Kenny for BBC Audio”
BBC Programmes page

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